Friendly Fox Design


Animated content and motion graphics can help people to see and understand important narratives in the places they visit.
Augmented Reality (AR) brings interactive exhibits, interpretation boards and signs to life, amplifying the voice of nature and reaching wider and more diverse audiences.
Content is more accessible for younger and older audiences, including those who are sight impaired.
Immerse people in a landscape and communicate in the most direct and persuasive ways.

Illustrate the habitats and creatures in a space and help identification.
Tell people about your land management methods
Campaign messages and fundraising
Reveal animals that come out at night or hide from human view
Point out the tiny creatures that may go unnoticed
Deliver the country code in a more persuasive way
Introduce poetry, creative writing or art about nature
Explain natural processes, e.g. life cycles, food chains.
Link to webcams or crowd data from the community.
indoor trails

A new addition to our portfolio: 'ghost' trails that can provide an exciting feature for historical exhibits that enables access too. The figures can float in your space and add useful narration, directions and deliver information in an accessible way.
Our products focus on enriching learning experiences; this can also include museums, art galleries and indoor exhibitions. Trails can provide an added visitor attraction, especially for young people who may not always engage enthusiastically.